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Want to learn more about these mathematical functions? Try on of these:
Discovery's WebMath - Good and simple explanations.
Dave's Math Tables - More professional.
Math for Morons Like Us - Simple explanations AND high level.

All together, Equalizer has 54 Functions, Operators and Constants.

Operators come between two expressions. Equalizer supports these operators:
  • X + Y - add: sum of X and Y
  • X - Y - subtract: difference of X from Y (6-4=2)
  • X * Y - multiply: X times Y (2*3=6)
  • X / Y - divide: X's in Y (14/4=3.5)
  • X % Y - percents: X percent out of Y (15%20=3)
  • X ^ Y - power: Xy (2^3=8)
  • X div Y - whole Y's in X (10 div 3 = 3)
  • X mod Y - X in module Y (10 mod 3 = 1)
  • X t Y - base X square of Y (3 t 8=2)
  • X e± Y - exponent: X*10y (3.24e+3 = 3.24*103 = 3240)

Use a constant in the same way you'd use any number:
  • pi = π ≈ 3.1415926535897
  • phi = φ ≈ 1.6180339887498
  • e ≈ 2.71828182845905    Note: e+ and e- are used for exponents.
  • x - in future versions, x will be used to draw a graph of the function.

Functions come before or after expressions. Equalizer supports these functions:
  • tX - Square Root (t9=3)
  • [x] - Absolute Value ( [4-6] = 2 )

  • LogX - Logarithm (Base 10, Log10x)
  • LnX - Natural Logarithm (Logex)

  • FixX - The whole part of a number ( fix(3.9)= 3, fix(-2.8)= -2 )
  • IntX - The integer that is smaller than x, or equal to it ( int(1.9)= 1, int(-1.1)= -2 )
  • RoundX - Nearest integer ( round(1.2)= 1, round(-1.9)= -2)

  Functions: Trigonometry
  • Sinα- Sine of the angle
          For All Trigonometry Functions:
    • ASinα- Arc (invert) Sine
    • SinHα- Hyperbolic Sine
    • ASinHα- Arc Hyperbolic Sine
  • Cosα - Cosine of the angle
  • Tanα - Tangent of the angle
  • Cotα - Cotangent of the angle
  • Secα - Secant
  • Cscα - Cosecant
  • *Note: All Trigonometry functions are in Radians

  • Radα - Convert a degree angle to radians
  • Degα - Convert a radian angle to degrees

  Functions: Combinatorics
  • X! - Factorial (4! = 1*2*3*4 = 24)
  • C(n,m) - The number of ways to chose M items from a group of N. (C(4,2)=6)
  • P(n,m) - The number of ways to chose and order M items from a group of N. (P(4,2)=12)

  Functions: Statistics
These functions work on a series of numbers, and must be written with brackets.
(use comma "," to seperate the items, or 'pipe' if comma is your decimal seperator, e.g. Max(3,5) or Sum(33|11) )
  • Max( X1,X2,X3...) - The maximum number of the series ( max(-5,2,3+1) = 4 )
  • Min( X1,X2,X3...) - The minimum number of the series ( min(-5,2,3+1) = -5 )
  • Sum( X1,X2,X3...) - The sum of all number ( sum(-5,2,3+1) = 1 )
  • Avg( X1,X2,X3...) - The average of all number ( avg(10,2,9) = 7 )