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Alternatives for the calculator
The standard calculator that comes with Windows isn't very appealing, visually. Here's some alternatives (most work on all Windows versions):
[*toptool:] Longest running, ever growing skinnable replacement is XXcalc, by Rolf. Comes in a standard flavor (lots of skins available!) and in one with advanced options. Skin format is easy. Currently only available at Skinnables.org.

"Equalizer is a freeware scientific calculator. Instead of the traditional look of many buttons, Equalizer has a simple text line on which you can write the expression in the same way you'd write it on paper (for example: typing "(6*5-12) / 2" will show the answer "9")"... with the answer updated immediately while typing. How's that for adding simplicity to complicated matters, freestyle skinning too!

One more, freeware and skinnable: "Elite Calculator is a free scientific calculator.With Elite Calculator you can simply type a expression,the same way you would do on a piece of paper,and press <enter> to show the result. Elite Calculator also supports variables,so you can work with advanced expressions."
Note: though shareware, for some of these you can get a free description if you create a skin for it (...).
EuroCalculator is another skinnable replacement, with some advanced features. Basic calculator and currency conversion is free, if you want to use more advanced options, you've got to pay.

"PG Calculator is a scientific graphical calculator working in three modes: algebraical, RPN (reversed polish notation) as standard."

Beautiful Calculator is another basic, skinnable calculator, with an optional log file window.

Pluser is a more basic calculator, skinnable, that hides and shows with the numlock key.

Another skinnable calculator is 1st Calculator. Does unit conversions too and minimizes to the systray.

"Biromsoft Calculator is a handy program for standard calculations and operations with numbers. It's as easy to use as an ordinary handheld calculator, but it has quite a few advantages For example, copying and pasting results of calculation to a clipboard, changeable transparency and more."

"Evaluator Plus is the powerful multiline calculator, designed for simple and complex mathematical evaluations"... skinnable too, fixed format.

EldoS AnyCalc isn't really skinnable, but background bitmap, colors etc can be customized. What's more, a little editing in some files and you could build just the calculator you need. Lots of options and etceteras...
Not really a calculator, but having one inside, is BoxCard, by SoftIni. It's an address book, program laucher, mp3-player and more, all in one, and skinnable.
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